BJP’s Second List of 39 Candidates for Madhya Pradesh Polls Features Three Union Ministers


The political landscape in the state of Madhya Pradesh is witnessing significant developments as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unveils its second list of candidates for the upcoming elections. This critical juncture in Indian politics is marked by the inclusion of three Union Ministers among the 39 candidates nominated by the BJP. This move not only underscores the party’s strategic approach to the elections but also highlights the significance of Madhya Pradesh in the larger national political context.

BJP's Second List
                                                                                                 BJP’s Second List


Union Ministers in the Fray

The BJP’s second list of candidates for the Madhya Pradesh polls prominently features the names of three Union Ministers who are set to contest in the electoral battle. These ministers, holding crucial portfolios in the central government, bring with them a wealth of administrative and political experience. Their decision to contest the state elections reflects the BJP’s commitment to securing a stronghold in Madhya Pradesh.

  1. Narendra Singh Tomar: As the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar wields considerable influence over rural policies and agricultural reforms in India. His presence in the Madhya Pradesh electoral arena is expected to resonate with the farming community, which forms a substantial part of the state’s population. Tomar’s candidature is likely to bolster the BJP’s rural appeal.
  2. Thawar Chand Gehlot: Thawar Chand Gehlot, the Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, has been a prominent figure in Indian politics. His nomination as a candidate in the Madhya Pradesh polls brings issues of social justice and welfare to the forefront. Gehlot’s extensive experience in advocating for marginalized communities is poised to be an electoral asset for the BJP.
  3. Prakash Javadekar: Prakash Javadekar, the Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and Information and Broadcasting, has been at the helm of India’s environmental and media policies. His candidature in Madhya Pradesh signals the BJP’s commitment to addressing environmental concerns and the dissemination of information in the digital age. Javadekar’s electoral campaign is anticipated to reflect these priorities.

Strategic Implications

The inclusion of these Union Ministers in the BJP’s list of candidates holds several strategic implications. Firstly, it underscores the party’s intent to leverage the popularity and influence of these ministers to secure a strong electoral performance in Madhya Pradesh. The party seems keen on ensuring that key portfolios at both the state and central levels are aligned for effective governance.

Secondly, this move reaffirms the political importance of Madhya Pradesh in the national context. The presence of Union Ministers on the state’s electoral battleground highlights the state’s role as a crucial testing ground for political strategies and policies. The BJP’s success in Madhya Pradesh will have ramifications for its standing at the national level.

Strategic Implications:

  1. Expertise and Governance: The presence of Union Ministers in the state elections brings with it a promise of expertise and effective governance. These ministers have experience in handling complex and nationally significant issues. Their candidatures signal the BJP’s commitment to delivering impactful governance at both the central and state levels, focusing on areas such as agriculture, social justice, environment, and media.
  2. Broadening Electoral Appeal: Each Union Minister represents specific policy domains. Narendra Singh Tomar appeals to the agricultural sector, Thawar Chand Gehlot to marginalized communities, and Prakash Javadekar to environmental and media-related concerns. By fielding candidates with expertise in these areas, the BJP aims to broaden its appeal across diverse voter segments and constituencies.
  3. Symbolic Significance: The candidature of Union Ministers also carries symbolic significance. It showcases the party’s confidence in its central leadership and reinforces the idea of seamless coordination between the central and state governments under the BJP’s governance model.

Potential Outcomes:

  1. Rural Outreach: With Narendra Singh Tomar as a candidate, the BJP is likely to make a concerted effort to address the concerns of the farming community in Madhya Pradesh. This could include highlighting the benefits of recent agricultural reforms and showcasing the government’s support for farmers.
  2. Social Welfare Focus: Thawar Chand Gehlot’s presence on the ballot brings social welfare issues to the forefront. His campaign may emphasize the BJP’s commitment to uplifting marginalized communities, thereby expanding the party’s base among these sections of the population.
  3. Environmental and Media Policies: Prakash Javadekar’s candidacy can be expected to emphasize the government’s efforts in environmental conservation and its role in shaping media policies in the digital age. This is particularly relevant as the media landscape and environmental concerns continue to evolve.
  4. National Ramifications: The results of the Madhya Pradesh elections will be closely watched at the national level. A decisive victory for the BJP could further solidify its position as a dominant political force in the state and contribute to the party’s overall narrative of effective governance.
  5. Policy Alignment: If the BJP secures a significant mandate in Madhya Pradesh, it will enable smoother coordination between the state government and the central government. This alignment can lead to more efficient implementation of policies and better delivery of public services.


The announcement of three Union Ministers as candidates in the BJP’s second list for the Madhya Pradesh polls underscores the party’s commitment to winning the state elections and consolidating its presence in this politically significant state. As the electoral campaign gathers momentum, the political landscape in Madhya Pradesh will undoubtedly witness heightened activity, with these ministers playing pivotal roles. The outcomes of this electoral battle will not only shape the state’s future but also have implications for the national political scenario, making it a contest of utmost importance.

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